Continental Divide (1981)

Continental Divide (1981)

Release Date : Sep. 18, 1981 | Rating ★★★★★★
Details : A hard-nosed Chicago journalist has an unlikely love affair with an eagle researcher.
Duration : 1 Hour 42 Minutes
Cast and Crew :

John Belushi as Ernie Souchak

Blair Brown as Nell Porter

Allen Garfield as Howard McDermott

Tony Ganios as Max Bernbaum

Val Avery as Yablonowitz

Bruce Jarchow as Hellinger

Ron Dean as Plesko

Mike Bacarella as Delaney

Carlin Glynn as Sylvia | Liam Russell as Deke Lewis | Everett Smith as Fiddle | Bill Henderson as Train Conductor | Eddie Schwartz as Jimmy | Harold Holmes as Mr. Feeney | Elizabeth Young as Mrs. Feeney | Frankie Hill as Agatha | Executive Producer  : Steven Spielberg | Producer  : Bob Larson | Director  : Michael Apted | Writer  : Lawrence Kasdan |